The Department of Geosciences offers a dual bachelor’s/master’s program where students can get both degrees in five years.
Students who pursue the B.A. or B.S. degree get experience in the field—whether through an internship or field-based course work.
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What Sets Us Apart
What is distinctive about our Geosciences Department compared to many around the country is that we span the social and physical dimensions of environmental and resource issues, particularly in the urban context, and we conduct research and offer undergraduate and graduate degrees that reflect this important socio-physical approach. We have expertise in the social and environmental dimensions of water, environmental geochemistry and global climate change. We are also expanding our Geographic Information Science research and teaching to better represent and describe the complexity of social and environmental concerns.
Choose Your Path
-Robert Swan
Recent News
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Contact Us
The Department of Geosciences
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Office/Delivery Address
38 Peachtree Center Ave. SE
7th Floor
Suite 730
Atlanta, GA 30303