Read below for the most up to date news from the Department of Geosciences.
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Recent News
GEOS Spotlight May 2024: Elizabeth Plumart
Earlier this academic year, the Department of Geosciences became the institutional home for GSU's Bachelor of...read more ❯
GEOS Spotlight April 2024: Keya Hopwood
With the 2023-2024 academic year coming close to an end, we're excited to spotlight GEOS senior KeyaHopwood....read more ❯
GEOS Spotlight March 2024: Aaron Pacheco
This month's spotlight stays on our excellent GEOS undergraduates, this time featuring Aaron Pacheco. Aaron is a junior dual degree student concentrating...read more ❯
Researchers Find Three Companies Own More than 19,000 Rental Houses in Metro Atlanta
A new Georgia State study untangles the complicated structure that corporate landlords use to hold properties.read more ❯
Georgia Partnerships for Essential Minerals (GEMs) Workshop: Paving the Way for Critical Mineral Production
Demand for critical minerals and rare earth elements is rapidly increasing as the world accelerates toward clean energy transitions. Concerns about price volatility, supply security, and geopolitics arise as reducing emissions and ensuring resilient and secure energy...read more ❯
GEOS Spotlight February 2024: Anna Jarrell
After a long month of January, we are excited for the return of the monthly GEOS spotlight and our first spotlight on an...read more ❯
GEOS Spotlight January 2024: Olivia Kirkland
As we kick off a new year here in the Department of Geosciences, we want to highlight one of our many excellent dual degree students, Olivia Kirkland! Olivia just graduated with her undergraduate degree from the department and will be continuing straightaway into the...read more ❯
GEOS Spotlight December 2023: Michael Blore
For the final GEOS spotlight of 2023, we're highlighting graduating water sciences M.S. student Michael Blore, who is also an undergraduate alum of our program! Michael has been part of the GSU and GEOS family for six years now, and will soon be graduating and heading...read more ❯
GEOS Spotlight November 2023: Skyy Corral
This month we are excited to shift the GEOS spotlight back onto our amazing students by featuring junior Skyy Corral, who is concentrating in environmental geosciences. In addition to excelling in the classroom and in her various internships, Skyy was honored at GSU's...read more ❯
GEOS Faculty Off to Hot Start with Research Funding in the New Academic Year
At the beginning of the new academic year, Georgia State announced that it had broken the school record for research funding for a third consecutive year. Of the nearly $225 million brought in by GSU researchers during the 2023 fiscal year, over $2 million came from...read more ❯
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Contact Us
The Department of Geosciences
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Office/Delivery Address
38 Peachtree Center Ave. SE
7th Floor
Suite 730
Atlanta, GA 30303