Key Individuals
- Graduate Director: Dr. Richard Milligan. The role of the Graduate Director is to help shepherd graduate students into and through the graduate program (you likely already know this!). The Graduate Director chairs the Graduate Committee, which consists of three members of the faculty, and collectively the committee reviews applications and proposes to the full faculty changes to the graduate curriculum, admissions practices, etc. The Graduate Director communicates regularly with graduate students about upcoming deadlines, policy changes, and matters that affect you. Please be sure to open all emails and respond promptly, if requested. And if you have a question about how to navigate the graduate program--that is not answered in this document or in the links provided to other sites--please be sure to reach out to the Graduate Director Dr. Richard Milligan ([email protected]).
- Department Chair.: Dr. Katherine Hankins. The department chair manages many aspects of the department, including decisions about how to allocate resources, which courses to offer, and how courses should be staffed. In addition, the chair sets the vision for the department and represents the concerns (and victories!) of the department to the College. The department chair works closely with faculty and with staff to ensure that we can live up to our promise of giving you a high-quality education. To contact the department chair, email Dr. Katherine Hankins ([email protected]).
- Department Specialist: Ms. Ty Nevels. Ms. Nevels is a key liaison between the department and the College teams, which provide support in the areas of scheduling, human resources, and purchasing. For the department, she maintains room reservations, the department's common spaces, graduate-student office assignments, and the department vans. She also plans departmental events. If you want to share good news, if you want to hold an event, or if you want a really good book recommendation, please contact Ms. Nevels ([email protected]).
- Technology Manager: Mr. John Tougas. Mr. Tougas has a background in systems administration and video production, and he is in charge of all things technology in the department. This includes our computers, our servers, our software licenses, our copiers and printers, our scantron machine, and our classroom projectors. He maintains the department’s inventory of machines and equipment. He is very knowledgeable and goes the extra mile to help with most any technology request. His email address is [email protected].
- Laboratory Coordinator: Ms. Atieh Tajik. Ms. Tajik is a graduate of our program and has over a decade of experience managing the lab sections associated with our introductory geography and geology courses (Geog 1112: Weather and Climate; Geog 1113: Landforms; Geol 1121: Introduction to Geosciences I; Geol 1122: Introduction to Geosciences II; Envs 1401 and 1402). She works closely with the TAs of the lab (that could be you!), and ensures that all of the lab materials are prepared for delivery each week. If you are a GTA assigned to a lab, be sure to stay in regular communication with Ms. Tajik ([email protected]).
- College Advisor: Ms. Telayah Richards. Ms. Richards assists with registration issues; shares policies and procedures for the graduate program; updates DegreeWorks academic evaluations; processes Milestone forms; and she will be the one to clear you for graduation ([email protected]).
Contact Us
The Department of Geosciences
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Office/Delivery Address
38 Peachtree Center Ave. SE
7th Floor
Suite 730
Atlanta, GA 30303