FAQ For Undergraduates
If you haven’t yet signed up for Geo-all, our department listserv is where you’ll learn about opportunities for funding, internships, jobs, club meetings, department seminars, and more as they are announced. Please go ahead and sign up so you can stay informed! Join the department listserv by sending an email to [email protected] with only the text “subscribe geo-all” in the body of the email. You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Our department has a LinkedIn page and a group you can join to network with alums and friends of GSU Geosciences.
Contact the Undergraduate Director, Dr. Christy Visaggi with questions about registration, academic evaluations, your course of study and career goals. For course substitutions and help with transfer credit, please complete the form here. All students should also complete the class GEOG/GEOL 3000 (Foundations in Geosciences: Skills, Careers, and Navigating the Major) early in their undergraduate journey, as that experience will help guide the rest of their time at GSU.
Students are expected to apply for graduation upon reaching 90 credit hours (approximately 2 semesters prior to graduation). Be sure to apply not only for your degree program but any certificates that you may be pursuing as well. There is no extra fee to apply for graduation with respect to certificates. Instructions for how to apply for graduation can be found here.
There are several requirements for majors in Geosciences; however, of all courses offered in the department, it is critical that you plan ahead for enrolling in the Senior Seminar CTW (GEOL/GEOG 4830). There are NO substitutions for this course, and it is only offered in the fall semester. You should complete this course in your final fall semester prior to graduation.
The dual degree program is for students who seek to advance their study at GSU by completing graduate level coursework as an undergraduate, whereby the credits would apply to both their B.A. or B.S. and their pursuit of a M.S. upon entering the graduate program. You can complete up to 12 hours of graduate level coursework while completing an undergraduate degree, and consequently, advance more quickly through the graduate program having already completed requirements during your undergraduate years. Students should apply to the program prior to their senior year in order to have time to complete the requirements at the undergraduate level. Students who complete the dual degree coursework at the undergraduate level still have to apply for graduate school before being admitted to the M.S.; however, application fees are waived. Interested students should ideally have a 3.5 GPA to be competitive for the dual degree program. Email Dr. Milligan for further information.
The Department of Geosciences offers certificates in GIS, water science, and sustainability. These programs are open to all majors. Students are limited to pursuing two certificates in addition to their major. Many of the courses in our certificate programs include options that overlap with the B.A./B.S.; it may be that several courses could be applied to both the completion of a certificate and your B.A./B.S. If pursuing more than one certificate, please note that only one course can be applied to both certificates. Once you decide to pursue a certificate, sign up here so that the program can be added to your Degree Works.
Students who wish to minor in Geosciences must take 15-18 hours in courses in Geosciences, including at least nine hours at the 3000-level or above. Students taking more than 15 hours in courses in Geosciences may count the additional hours toward their electives or may consider completing a double major. A grade of C or higher is required in all courses counting toward the minor. Courses that are being applied to the core may not also be applied to the minor.
Previously, several introductory courses were offered online. Due to the pandemic, all classes shifted online. Moving forward, we will offer a mix of classes either partially or fully online. Please refer to the projected course schedule to see what courses will be offered in person, blended, or online. One priority of the department is regularly offering a multitude of GIS classes online for students who are interested in completing that certificate.
The major has four concentrations to choose from if pursuing a B.S. in Geosciences (Geology, Environmental Geosciences, Geography, and Urban Studies). The Geography and Urban Studies concentrations are also available if pursuing a B.A. in Geosciences. Review the catalog here to determine which path is for you, then speak to your advisor to get signed up for the major and a specific concentration. If you have already completed at least one introductory-level course in Geosciences, sign up for GEOG/GEOL 3000 (Foundations) as that will help you build skills pertinent to the major, navigate course options across our department, and explore career paths. See 'What classes are required of all majors' for more information on what to do as a new major in GEOS.
The only classes that are required of all majors are GEOG/GEOL 3000 (Foundations), GEOG/GEOL 4830 (Senior Seminar), and an experiential learning course such as a field school, internship, study abroad program, or related courses that have substantial lab, research, or service-learning components.
Note that for internships, students must secure their own internship, and then sign up for the appropriate number of credits of GEOG/GEOL 4832 to complete various deliverables in the department related to that experience. For field courses and study abroad options, refer to the projected course schedule to see what offerings are currently available. Be aware that most field-based options are offered during May, June, and July.
Click here for our projected course schedule. This projected schedule is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time, without notice to individual students. The University will make every effort to keep students advised of any such changes. Students should note that it is their responsibility to ensure they are aware of all graduation requirements for their particular programs of study. To stay informed about updates in the department, see the question below about signing up for the list-serv Geo-all.
A summary can be found here.
A summary can be found here.
Please see the corresponding document.
Please see the corresponding document.
Please see the corresponding document.
Please see the corresponding document.
Please see the corresponding document. To sign up for this certificate program, see here.
Please see the corresponding document. To sign up for this certificate program, see here.
Please see the corresponding document. To sign up for this certificate program, see here.
Contact Us
The Department of Geosciences
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Office/Delivery Address
38 Peachtree Center Ave. SE
7th Floor
Suite 730
Atlanta, GA 30303